Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Letter 2011

Happy Holidays, everyone!

2011 is coming to an end. For both of us, it has been kind of mellow with a bit of excitement thrown in for good measure.

Stephen's work in healthcare occupies much of his time. This will be his 25th year in the seniors' facility, so he thinks they own his soul.

Stephen continues to strive for excellence in watercolour painting. Sometimes things go right. Sometimes they end up in the fireplace. Stephen has also been using Nicole's old manual Nikon camera with the zoom lens taking photos for potential paintings. He has also, with Nicole's encouragement, started writing his first screenplay. Fixing up the house and the backyard are also on his list of things to do.

For those who Stephen's mother well, she is failing due to old age and various health problems. His mother can not get out much anymore. She runs short of breath, but Stephen and his brother, George, do try and get her out and about.

Stephen's daughter, Sarah, is hard at it working in a toy store and going to university at night. Sarah received her Human Resources Certificate and is now taking Business Management courses. She has a boyfriend, Richard, who is trying to become a paramedic.

Nicole's daughter -- yes, for the ones who are scratching their heads -- Sophia and her boyfriend, Tom, moved from Kelowna to Victoria in February and moved out of our little house in May into their own tiny apartment. Thank God! Nothing like having 2 alpha females in the same household. They love each other very much, but cannot live under the same roof.

Sophia now works where both Nicole and Stephen work. She works in the laundry department. Everyone always comments on how hard she works (it's NOT the easiest job) and how much they love her melodious singing voice. Sophia still lives with her nice boyfriend, Tom, who works at a furniture & appliance store.

Both Sarah and her boyfriend, Richard, visited us in July for a week. And the two stepsisters walked about town and swapped stories about boyfriends as well as life in general.

Lastly, Stephen's love of his life, Nicole, is still working as an Activity Aide for seniors and continues to be Shop Steward. She's been in 1 major film this year and had film industry head shots done. Nicole also keeps busy writing screenplays and taking courses. She continues to outsell Stephen in art; she sold an oil painting in early September during an Arts Gala. Now, if Stephen can get her to sell another 5,000, then Stephen might be able to retire. Nicole truly does not have enough fingers in the pie!

Nicole's cousin, Robert, and his girlfriend, Elaine, bravely rode all the way from Ajax, Ontario on a motorbike in July just to see us and a couple of Elaine's relations! It was really good to connect with family for a few, too short days.

As for Nicole's parents --. Janet, her mother, continues to strive with day to day living. Any time we see her, Janet is always in a good mood. Stephen doesn't think she was ever in a bad mood. Nicole's dad, Paul, is tiring and the end is very close, but he puts up the good fight against his cancer.

That's this year's news from our perspective. May you have a Merry Christmas & a happy, healthy 2012!

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