This morning I just answered a call for documentary actresses for a film about Breast Cancer. The contract pay is a pittance, but I figure that anything to boost up my film industry portfolio is good. I emailed a published poem to them for extra measure, however I don't know whether it'll get me that much further through their door. Now I have to wait and see.
by Nicole Faucher
a heart is never still in darkness to those
who listen to organs whisper worries
my body tries to tell me by years' weight gain
for no (known) reason
yet the doctors find nothing
hiatal hernia hounds with bile bloats and regurgitation
only during moon cycles
and the doctors find nothing
intuition nags but the doctors find nothing until --
an unearthly thing presses my nerves
I limp into fire
two words
uterine cancer
my womb genetically betrayed me
a growth inaudibly mouths:
"I killed your grandmother,
your great grandmother
and your father's aunt.
Now I am your slow silent killer and you are my last."
I answer, I know you and
you will not take me