In March, I experienced what it's like as a background actor in my 1st full-length feature film "Magic Beyond Words: the JK Rowling Story". Fun and "hurry up & wait" describe those 2 days. I learned so many terms and jargin, ie: wiper, holding area, etc.
Unfortunately, when the made for TV movie came out, it was only shown on Lifetime, an American channel. Go figure! But I do know that sooner or later, it will come out on CTV or another Canadian channel. It's a matter of waiting.
On May 5, I finished the Meisner Acting course. It had to be the toughest course I had ever taken academically or in the arts field I had ever taken. Needless to say, I persevered. It pushed me to my limit during an extremely difficult time, healthwise and at work with major Human Rights & Harassment cases, plus Labour Management meetings. (I was Chief Shop Steward -- more later.)
Due to the fact that I hadn't used my new pro camera he gave me at Christmas, Stephen pampered me to a wonderful fulfilling Mother's Day by taking me to various places: Royal Roads University Mother's Day event, Fisherman's Wharf Open House, Beacon Hill Park, etc. We took our time.
Meanwhile as things heated to boiling point at work, the Human Right Investigator and the HEU Director begged and implored me not to resign as Chief Shop Steward, I worked out a compromise. I am no longer Chief Shop Steward, but I will deal only with Human Rights & Harassment issues. I will no longer do the itty-bitty stupid cases with the workers' constant grievances that take me away from my days off. And no more Labour Management meetings unless it has to do with Human Rights & Harassment. My co-worker E.P. will do the other LMMs. What a relief!
The latest pelvic ultrasound revealed that I'm now cancer-free, however I have a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst that must be monitored. (Even though it has since popped, I'm still due for another ultrasound in September!)
I will bring more updates to this blog later.