My nemesis, E.B., gave me a nasty, baiting remark last week, but I was able to gently turn her verbal knife away with the truth - "My sister was taller and heavier than me, and she was very protective of me because she knew I couldn't hear." E.B. is slowing down in her attacks lately. Plus she has been given a couple of warnings from the head honchos for not coming to work on the weekends, thus forcing me to work alone on those days. At least this time, they are finally monitoring her and realizing that every year she's been using too much sick time on weekends.
Connected to my film industry quests is that my computer was attacked by the Anti-virus Virus, less than one day after I had submitted my film industry resume to a production company looking for a part-time Production Assistant. I knew I could've filled in my full-time position at Sunset Lodge. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get to a computer until I got to work on Tuesday. I logged onto Shaw Webmail and discovered that the same day I brought my computer into the shop was the same day the film company wanted to see me on Monday AM! Too late - however I still emailed the Producer, explaining the situation. She wrote back the following day, saying the position was already filled, but she wanted to see samples of my writing and that snail mail was fine, since my computer was still in the shop. Naturally, I was devastated. (And now $400 poorer due to the repairs!) Stephen tried hard to comfort me, but everything nasty does have a silver lining. The producer was impressed with my resume and the fact that I have published writings. She did ask for samples of my writing and I have sent those. It's now wait and see.
I'm taking a weekend Screenwriting Blitz course at the end of this month through the Greater Victoria Film Commission, which is undergoing a move. I found out that the new head of that organization is my former teacher, K.G., for my BC Professionals Film Industry Certificate. I've already arranged a meeting to see her and F. tomorrow at 9:30 am for a possible volunteer position.
After that disappointing 'miss' while my computer got 'bugged', I figure it's better than sitting on my butt moping and doing nothing. I'm better off continuing my ambition to improve myself in any way possible.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Where do I begin? Let me look at the calendar....

On Thursday, July 22, I went to the audiologist, S.F., where I finally was fitted with my two new hearing aids. I had been with only one hearing aid for more than 9 years, and that remaining hearing aid was 11 years old and DYING. Had I gotten my full-time position that was rightfully mine 3.5 years ago (a long Human Rights battle), I wouldn't have been in such a desperate situation. A emotional scenario for me. I paid for one hearing aid in full - $2,500 altogether. The other will be paid through the program from Island Deaf and Hard of Hearing ($1,500) and my pathetic work benefits package (a mere $600). S.F. and the job counsellor T.B. at IDHH fought for me in getting my full-time position at the seniors' lodge. At the end of the session, I hugged my audiologist, thanking her. She blurted: "Oh, Nicole. You're such a sweet girl."
There are so many scams by unregistered, unlicensed audiologists for cheap hearing devices that cost between $50 to $150, or they bilk people with scams that say: 'Pay only 25% and we will pay 75%'. Whoa! What's the catch? The device lasts how long? Three months. One year at the most. And yes, the cheap device is NOT calibrated for the individual's hearing loss.
The crime is in the expense of manufacturing the real hearing aids - and the audiologists have no other choice but to charge the customers. It's sickening.
Right now, I'm happy. And I can't believe how far technology has progressed in the past 11 years. My hearing aids operate on computer chips and were calibrated by my audiologist's computer for my hearing loss (different in each ear). Technology has advanced so much that it now enables me to hear the differences between s, sh, ch, and z sounds. I broke down into tears when I drove to work while listening to the car radio because I COULD HEAR AND UNDERSTAND THE MAJORITY OF THE WORDS TO A SONG that was being played - not just the beat. THE ACTUAL WORDS - not just the vowel sounds and guess what is being said/sung. (Yes, I had to pull over to the side of the road and get ahold of myself.) For once, I can sing praises of technology.
However, it's still a noisy world out there! I'm still in the process of getting used to wearing BOTH hearing aids. So, how in God's name do normal hearing people meditate? O_O!?
On Friday, July 23, Stephen drove me to my 'Jackhammer' film shoot on Empire Street for 6pm. I was asked to bring two costumes which I did. I was one of several women dressed for an Engagement Staggette Party and also, for a Birthday Party. Hence the two different costumes. And I had to submit to the make-up artist to plaster guck on my face. For someone like me who does NOT wear make-up it was torture. However I felt sorry for one of the principle actors who portrayed a male stripper in the movie. He had to have his legs and buttocks waxed, but when it came to his chest, he requested a shave and the make-up artist covered the stubble with foundation.
The 'lights, camera, action' experience was fun and I learned how film cameras had advanced over the years as well. Computer chips have come a long, versatile way making cameras much lighter and sleeker. ;-)
While I was at work the following day, Stephen picked up his daughter Sarah from the airport. She is staying with us until August 2. She's such a bright, plucky, young lady.
We took the Clipper to Seattle on the 25th. I will let the photos speak for our enjoyable, fascinating, non-stop trip: U.S. submarine on the way to Seattle, the Underground Tour, Pioneer Square, the Bus Tour, Pike Place/Fishermen's Market, Seattle Aquarium, the Space Needle, the Glassworks, etc. There was so much to absorb, so many places to explore, so much to do on a two night/three day stay. Too bad the Seattle Art Museum was closed on Monday and Tuesday. Another time.
We returned to Victoria by Clipper on July 27th. This time the wind and waves were against us, and therefore we had a very bouncey ride. Quite frankly, I thought it fun. (However, a lady across from us was a little seasick and managed gainfully not to throw-up.) Sarah got both her Dad and me involved in two games of "Life" on her iPod. And we got through customs without too much ado.
The following day, July 28, Stephen had to go to the clinic and then the specialist. Later, I went for another shoot for another independent film, "The Red Umbrella". The director/producer, F.G., wasn't able to get the drinks nor the food financed for any of the actors at the Irish Times Pub, but that was fine for those of us who participated in the shoot. Since there are strict regulations about alcohol in filmmaking, I had water with a lemon wedge (ta-dah!), a small salad with grilled salmon and a coffee afterwards. After the shoot, the director/producer approached me and asked if I would be willing to be in her future production. "Of course, I would," I replied. Another good experience and another credit to my film industry resume. :-)
On July 29, Sarah went on a sleepover at friend's place. This left Stephen to drive me and a fellow poet, D.S., to do a poetry reading for 6pm at Fresh Cup Cafe in Sidney. In between a very good musician's performance, I read 2 poems and D.S. read 3 poems in our efforts to promote our anthology of poems: "100 Spells from the Crones Cauldron". We did well. After our readings, Stephen met up with us, and we wandered through the Sidney Market for a bit before heading home.
On the morning after, I received an email from B.J., a librarian & owner of the Overleaf Cafe-Bookshop. She encouraged me to enter 1-3 poems in the "Rock of Pages" Poetry Contest. That day was originally the deadline, but she said it had been extended to August 3rd. I decided to pick 3 poems right there and then. I accepted Stephen's offer to drive me to the Fairfield Community Hall to submit them.
On Saturday, July 31, FINALLY I was able to add 10 more pages to my 2nd screenplay! Later in the evening, Stephen took me and Sarah to the Buchardt Gardens Fireworks Spectacular.
What a nice way to end those 10 busy days! I look back and I cannot believe what was accomplished. *Whew!*
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